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Flue Lining 

Flue lining is the lining of an existing chimney which creates a self-contained flue system.

The chimney is lined with a stainless steel flexibletube that connects to your appliance within the chimney.

This practice is adopted when your existing chimney has broken down, this is determined with a smoke pressure test. The liner is forced down from roof level through your existing chimney and fixed at the chimney pot using the appropriate cowl or pot hanger for the appliance. The chimney is then insulated in accordance with HETAS regulations. If you have no existing chimney, that's no problem. We can install a complete rigid flue system.


Why Line Chimneys? 

The flue may have lost integrity and can leak smoke into rooms or other parts of the building. Condensates or tar can seep through chimney walls causing staining, inside or outside the building. Lining with insulation included improves the operation of the appliance and flue (particularly important when the chimney is on an external wall). Efective flue systems may be eroded and rough.  This will cause fictional resistance to the flow of gasses resulting in poor updraught. Large flues (over 200mm), particularly ones containing voids, may affect appliances performance.  Some appliance manufacturers specify smaller flues for efficient operation


Rigid Flue Systems (twin-wall)

A rigid flue system is put in place where there is no existing chimney or there is no chimney where you would like your appliance to be installed.These stainless steel insulated systems, also known as twin-wall, are supported through a wall or roof space. They connect to the top of your appliance and fix together to make a self-contained flue system.These systems are regulated by HETAS. They're double insulated, allowing your flue to run closer to combustibles than a conventional liner.

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